Challenges and Emerging Issues Affecting the Management of Refugees in Uganda

  • Pius Gumisiriza Uganda Management Institute
Keywords: Challenges, Refugees, Management, Con ict, Repatriation, Challenges, Refugees, Management, Conflict, Repatriation


Uganda is well known globally for its favorable refugee policies and now hosts over one million of them. However, this has come with many complex refugee management challenges especially given that most of these refugees entered the country sporadically in 2016 after the outbreak of fighting in South Sudan. This article uses secondary sources and primary data gathered from refugees, refugees’ host communities, the government, development partners, UN refugee agencies and NGOs to examine these challenges. Key among them are logistical difficulties; high costs of access to services by refugees in the face of limited resources; syndicated corruption within core refugee management institutions; emerging conflicts between host communities and refugees over access to scarce resources especially firewood, water, land for cultivation, health services and schools; bureaucratic challenges that stifle reunification of refugees who came later with their families; security threats to refugees, especially illegal kidnaps and repatriation but also terrorists and spies disguising as refugees. The most sustainable solution echoed by refugees, government officials, aid workers and host communities is resolving conflicts in the countries generating them, especially within the region. 

How to Cite
Gumisiriza, P. (2018). Challenges and Emerging Issues Affecting the Management of Refugees in Uganda. Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies, 15(1), 40-54. Retrieved from